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Pray for those who are confused about their sexual identities to give their hearts to Christ and realize who God created them to be. God made men to be men and women to be women. These professors and others at these universities are confusing our young people. They go into school thinking one way and come out utterly confused. So many of the students have no proper spiritual base going into school. This makes it so easy for the instructors to prey on these young people. This is a spiritual battle. Our schools and universities had a Christian base in the beginning but Charles Darwin(and others), being led by Satan and other demonic beings, came along and said that there is no God. By atheists and others following this erroneous assertion so many have been led down the path to destruction. 

Left to himself man is utterly lost. You were not created to be an island. God created us to have fellowship with him. But when we choose our own way void of God or when we choose to follow one of the devils philosophical teachings we become as lost as a goose in a storm. You cannot know the meaning of life without a relationship with the Creator of life. Jesus is the Creator of life and if you want real life you must accept Him into your heart. God loves us so much and warns each of us to be careful, “That no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” (Please read Colossians 2:8) In His Holy Word God also shows us that, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death .” Please pay close attention. This means eternal separation from God. This death means that any person who chooses to follow any way other than Christ will spend eternity in hell. But even worse than the pain which those in hell will endure continually is the fact that they will be without God forever. I strongly urge you not to reject God’s offer of salvation. (Please read Proverbs 14:12) I lovingly advise you to ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins, to repent (that is truly turn away from sin) and to ask him to come into your heart right now. Tell him that you accept him as your personal Lord and Savior. If you do this sincerely you can know for certain that you are saved. Please call 1-800-759-0700 or one of the other toll free 24 hour prayer line numbers listed on this site and tell a prayer counselor that you have accepted Christ into your heart and ask him or her to please send you some literature to help you get started in your new life in Christ. Welcome to the family of God. God bless you so much!

“Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him.”  Colossians 1:16b (Msg)

Jesus loves you!